May 20, 2017 - I'm Just Frustrated Now

I haven't showered in several days now.  I am starting to stink.  Not enjoying that part of this whole thing.  In fact, the whole homeless thing a hundred miles away from my family royally sucks.  Is that okay to say?  I don't care, because it does royally suck.  And Heather agrees.  She misses me, and worries about my safety.  And the kids miss me a ton and are having a tough time because their main disciplinarian isn't there everyday.  ARRRGGGGHHH!!!

Anyway, I got to see them tonight...but I had to finish a bunch of stuff first so it was late when I got here.  So the kids pretty much went to bed shortly after I arrived.  Bummer.  Tomorrow I am going to hang out with them though.

At least I am getting some good adult time with my wife.  I love her so much.  
