I got more done with my guitar playing today than I have in about a year combined. I set out today to do one thing, and that was to begin planning for my "Couchsurfin' Storyteller" Tour. We are basically going to tell the story behind what is going on in our lives right now...how I am homeless while the wife and kids are in another town, but we are still together. I'm going to tell people that it is tough to sleep in the car and ask if I could stay on their couch (or guest bed) and use their shower for one night in exchange for a private performance of Dunlevy Family Band's future material played on solo guitar.
So to do that I have to practice, arrange for guitar, or in some cases even finish writing 28 of our songs to be able to do this. So I got my butt in gear and practiced 10 that I've been able to play before, 2 that I've never been able to get completely through before today and arranged one that I've never played on guitar at all. That's 13...1 less than half in the first day. But I haven't gotten to the hardest part yet, and that's the writing part...which is 10 songs.
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