May 18, 2017 - Snowing in Late May

I had three lessons tonight, including a brand new one.  I love getting new students.  This guy wants to do a lot of fingerpicking and I do a lot of fingerpicking.  It feels great to have four students on Thursdays.  I think we are really going to start picking up students left and right.  It's really starting to look pretty nice in here.  I can't wait until it's done, we're making good money and can live all together again.  It will be an amazing day.  We are all just kind of lost without each other.

I left work and decided to go sleep at the welcome center again, and it starts snowing!!  In late May!!  I'm already here at the center, which is several miles out of there is no use in trying to go back into town.  I'm a little worried about the morning though...
