June 30, 2017 - 4th Day of FaceTime in a Row!! and Large Profit Margin


Today I chatted with the kids for the 4th day in a row on FaceTime...which is what I set out to do for the week.   We were hoping that doing that would help make the week go better for everyone...and while I wouldn't say it was the only reason, I would say that it was a large contributing factor. The daily 10:45 AM FaceTime calls this kid give us an anchor to build  a consistent schedule around both for Heather and the kids…and for myself. They seem better behaved.  The children, Heather and I have all been more productive this week.


Today I finished the parks and rec music class offerings for the fall.  We have opened up 76 slots for private and group lessons and classes on nearly 10 inch instruments.   The parks and rec brochure goes out to every single doorstep in the Cheyenne Wyoming area. This could potential he be huge for our lesson business. If we fill up we could be making up to $2500 a month profits right off the bat. Couple that with our big account that we landed… and we are pretty much set to open in September with a bang.

Obstacles to a Healthy Balance

I think the balance between work and family is very good for us right now.  There is an adjustment period going on for me and Heather.  We have scheduled times that we are available to talk on the phone during the day, in order for us to get more done and not miss each other. This is definitely taking a lot of getting used to, but I think we’ll get the hang of it.
