June 4, 2017 - Evenly Balanced for Once?


Today we got a lot of family time. A lot of good quality time with the kids. There's a trampoline here, and we've been really into doing funny stuff and playing games on it. Today I was doing tricks with the kids, bouncing them up in the air and either catching them for grabbing them by the legs and swinging them around. We also brought back slow motion tickle man, the kids’ favorite character of mine. They were pretty happy with their dad today.


Of course as usual, I only played after I got a lot of work done.  I edited several videos, ones I've been trying to get to for weeks. Got a lot of content out of them and the greatest part is I was doing these so I could show our new video editor how I want them done. So now that they're done, if I can just find the money to pay him, I don't have to do that work anymore unless I want absolutely want to.

Obstacles to a Healthy Balance

Surprisingly, this is the first day in a long time that I felt pretty darn good healthy balance between family time and work time. If only I have more days like this.
